Science, Religion and Philosophy-- An Essay
Religion is not accepted by the science. But not all religions accept the science. Science is but Knowledge. A knowledge that is proven by experiment. However, there are various aspects of science that have empirical proof or abstract theorems. The question then, is what is the relationship between the science and religion, if there is any historically or contemporarily? There is one common thread, though: the birth of ideas in the minds of human beings. In science, there are several theories and axioms which took birth in the minds of the noble or ignoble humans and either they were proved in later experimentation or were accepted by commonsensical deduction. Modern physics especially, the branches of quantum theories or string theories are but ideas waiting to be proven or accepted. Religion also had its roots in human mind. Dogmas and doctrines, practices are all born out of human intellect: ideas mundane or of great intellect. Religion thrives and survives on one basic principle: f...