Why Still?

why still my heart keeps beating for you?
why still my restless eyes search for you?
why, again, I think of you inside myself
and wonder who wrote this plot so cruel?
aren't there better works for me to do
than to contemplate upon my crazy past?
had i wanted to cry, i could not do so
had i screamed as i wanted very desperately to
no matter what i do or think of doing
its the same image of yours becoming
the sole object of my concern every day
and every night, though i tried hard as i may
to accept the fact that you do not love me
but, think and feel, to my own self I say
that as much true that you do not love me
does equally hold true, my own love for you
which does not die by the ending days or the nights
not even by the ever changing seasons of the Sun
and in despair, i cry out that for whom i care:
you were, you are and you will be the one.

Siddartha Pamulaparty
December 29, 2006.


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